The Earl Rivers Commissioning Fund

The Knox Session is pleased to announce the creation of the Earl Rivers Commissioning Fund to celebrate and honor Dr. Rivers’ fifty years of musical artistry, inspiration, and leadership as Director of Music at Knox Church from 1974-2024.  Since 1995, sixteen new sacred works have been commissioned and premiered in Knox worship services under the musical leadership of Dr. Rivers, leaving lasting melodies with the congregation of Knox and the wider community. The Earl Rivers Commissioning Fund has been created to honor Dr. Rivers’ legacy and continue the tradition he helped establish at Knox as a source of inspirational sacred music in Cincinnati.

This Fund will support sacred music commissions for Knox worship services and public programs.  When fully endowed, the fund will support fees for composers – emerging, established or renowned – to compose anthems, hymns, organ works, musicals, or sacred works for voices and instruments.

Contributions to fully endow the Earl Rivers Commissioning Fund are welcome and encouraged, with a goal of raising $75,000.

Contributions may be made using your credit card or bank account by selecting a button below  Please select “Earl Rivers Commissioning Fund” from the dropdown menu before submitting your gift.

Or by check made out to Knox Presbyterian Church with “ERC Fund” in the memo line and mailed to:

Earl Rivers Commissioning Fund

Knox Presbyterian Church

3400 Michigan Ave.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45208