Knox Choir – Bach Christmas Oratorio Dec. 2023

Knox Music

Music that awakens your spirit!


Earl Rivers, Director of Music

Music is an active ministry at Knox Church, with a long tradition of musical excellence. Music at Knox spans the sacred classical choral canon from the early Baroque period of the 17th century through our own time and is balanced with a variety of styles of music – folk, gospel, spirituals, and more, each reflecting the diversity of our cultures.

Cincinnati Magazine has cited the Knox Music Program as the “Best Church Music” in Cincinnati. There is a place at Knox for everyone who wishes to serve and praise God in making music!

Fresh Spirit
Fresh Spirit

Led by David Annett

Knox’s Fresh Spirit worship service (9am September through May) features a more contemporary style of music. While worshiping in Fresh Spirit, you will sing along with guitars, drums, bass, flute, violin, and a dedicated group of singers.

Our music is energizing, but not so loud your ears will ring afterward. And it’s easy to sing to – so you can participate if you’d like, rather than just listen to the performers

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing. (Psalm 100: 1-2)

More About Knox Music

The Knox Choir and Chamber Choir

The Knox Choir leads the congregation in worship music in September through May at the 11:00 a.m. Traditional worship services and special seasonal services, and twice annually presents choral/orchestral masterworks on the public Knox Music Series.

The 50-voice Knox Choir is anchored with a core of eight professional Section Leaders/Soloists and rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:30p.m. Contact Earl Rivers, Director of Music, for more information.

The Knox Handbell Choir

The Knox Handbell Choir rings monthly, October through May, at the 11:00 a.m. Traditional worship services and for special seasonal services. The Handbell Choir rings a 5-octave set of Schulmerich Bells and rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 6:50 p.m. Contact  Alberto de la Paz, Director of the Handbell Choir, for more information.

The Knox Music Series

The Knox Music Series is an outreach program of Knox Church that twice annually features productions by the Knox Choir and Chamber Orchestra of sacred choral/orchestra masterworks and organ concertos for the public in Greater Cincinnati. Performances are streamed on-line in real-time for a regional, national, and international audience. Click here to see a list of all Knox major works.

Knox Instruments

Knox maintains a collection of splendid musical instruments – a renovated and expanded 50-rank Holtkamp pipe organ, a Steinway concert grand piano, a Flemish harpsichord, a five-octave set of Schulmerich handbells, and a continuo organ built by Juget-Sinclair of Montreal, Canada.

The Knox Commissioned Works Program

The Knox Commissioned Works Program is an opportunity for you to sponsor original compositions of new anthems or hymns that the Knox Choir would premiere in a future worship service. Knox has been blessed with several donors for sixteen commissions of new works since 1995, the two most recent anthem commissions having been premiered in worship services in 2023. View the listing of Knox Anthem and Hymn Commissions since 1995, Contact Earl Rivers for information on how to commission a new anthem or hymn for Knox.

Knox Choir National and International

Knox Choir has been featured at three conventions (national and regional) of the 20,000 member American Choral Director Association in Chicago, IL, Dallas, TX, and Kalamazoo, MI; twice in New York City’s Carnegie Hall; and internationally in Syros, Greece; Vienna, Austria; Florence, Italy; and most recently in Paris, France. Members of the Knox Choir will travel to Vienna and Salzburg in June 2024. To hear the Sanctus from the Fauré Requiem presented in Paris’ Madeline Church in 2018, click here.


Please join us as a Volunteer for the Knox Music Series for:

(1) Setups/Resets: contact Nate Tetrick

(2) Ushering/Greeting: contact Lauren Smith

(3) Intermission Receptions: contact Heidi Knellinger


Contact Earl Rivers or David Annett if you are interested in being a part of making beautiful music at Knox.