Join us on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 for a day of coming together to serve our community! There are options for essentially all ages – and childcare available by reservation for those age three and under. The morning will begin at 8:30 with a light breakfast and prayer at Knox. Then volunteers will disperse to the various projects, which will wrap up by noon. Choose the option that best suits you and sign up using the link below. Please let us know you’re coming so we may plan accordingly.
· Packing Event at Knox – a great option for even the youngest kids! Volunteers will pack weekend food for students through Childhood Food Solutions AND pack Welcome Home Bags with cleaning and hygiene products for those served by New Life Furniture Bank.  Sign up HERE.
· Table Build at New Life Furniture Bank – for ages 14+, no experience required. Volunteers will repurpose salvaged wood to build tables for our neighbors in need of furniture.
· Fall cleanup at Knox or Third Presbyterian Church – suitable for all ages, projects will include raking leaves, cleaning up beds, and perhaps some indoor cleaning.
· Donate full size bottles of shampoo and tubes of toothpaste to fill 200 Welcome Home Bags for New Life Furniture Bank, which will be packed on November 11. Donated items may be dropped at the church any time before November 5 or brought to Mission Tailgate on October 28. No rsvp needed.
· Donate funds to offset the cost of purchasing items for 200 Welcome Home Bags for New Life Furniture Bank. Visit and mark your donation for Mission Possible. No rsvp needed.
Great things happen when we come together in service! Feel free to contact Jill Brokaw with any questions.