When the conversation turns to race, most white Americans turn away. Conversations about race with friends, family, neighbors, even fellow church members are hard, uncomfortable, or worse. And when the conversations end with “you’re clueless,” “you’re uninformed” or “you’re a racist” as sadly they too often do, you’ve not conversed. You’ve battled, bruised, and ended further apart than when you began.
The upcoming Depolarizing Conversations on Race Workshop led by Braver Angels aims to help us have meaningful, productive conversations about race and provide a constructive alternative to the polarized and judgmental exchanges that too often dominate discourse.
In addition to fostering real conversations, the workshop, sponsored by the Racial Justice Ministry, will also help participants better understand and discuss policy solutions on issues such as affirmative action, police reform, reparations, and removing statues.
Brunch will be served and childcare will be available. Please indicate how many children will need care when you RSVP. You may RSVP here. However, if you forget to RSVP, please come anyway.