Visiting Knox

As of Spring 2022, Knox Presbyterian Church has lifted our mask mandate for public worship and most other events.  We support CDC guidelines that individuals at higher risk should continue to wear masks indoors. We wish to support this guidance and help all members of our community to feel comfortable as we move away from our previous mask mandate. We will continue providing free masks at entry points, and will support small groups who mutually agree to continue requiring masks for the safety of vulnerable participants.  Knox Church will continue taking other measures to keep us all safe, including encouraging hand-washing and making hand sanitizer widely available.  We will also continue to make common-sense modifications to worship practices like the Passing of the Peace and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.  In addition to COVID-19, influenza and other viruses continue to circulate, and we all want to stay well as we re-engage in treasured activities.

Please stay home from worship whenever you are unwell. Virtual worship continues.  Test for COVID-19 if you have any reason to believe infection is likely. Knox Presbyterian Church will continue to offer free testing kits. The safety of our community is our top priority, and we will continue to revise our guidelines, including a return to mask mandates, if conditions warrant it.

Covid Recommendation Update

Based on the current increase in Covid infections throughout the community, the Knox Medical Team is issuing a strong recommendation that masks be worn indoors during Sunday worship. This is not a mandate or requirement at this time, but a recommendation. We hope that this action protects our most vulnerable members from serious illness, and prevents as many of us as possible from the discomfort and inconvenience of having to quarantine. We also hope this step will encourage all of you to continue worshipping in person, knowing that when masks are worn indoors, the risk of infection diminishes drastically. Knox will continue to provide masks at entrances to the building. Thank you for your attention to this recommendation.
July 2022


If you have questions or concerns please contact our Faith Community Nurse, Cincy Hamad.