Put your light on stand, so that all who come in may see it
February 16, 2025
Jana Reister was installed as Knox’s Associate Pastor in October, 2009. Prior to being called to Knox, Jana served and was ordained at First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, MI.
As a Minister of Word and Sacrament, Jana’s ministry at Knox includes leading Sunday worship, including preaching and presiding over the sacraments; leading special services for wholeness and healing; faith formation such as a Lord’s Table Retreat for our young people, bible studies and spiritual practices classes for adults, and leading spiritual pilgrimages (e.g. Israel and Palestine; Iona, Scotland) and humanitarian relief trips; pastoral care and spiritual direction; walking alongside members of the Knox community during times of grief and loss, offering care and helping to plan and funerals and memorial services; officiating at funerals/memorial services and weddings. Her ministry also includes serving in the wider church community of the Presbytery of Cincinnati and currently Jana serves as moderator of the Session of Third Presbyterian Church.
Jana received a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2006 and was ordained in 2007 at First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, MI where she served as a resident minister. At the conclusion of that two year call in 2009, Jana received a call from Knox to serve as associate pastor.
Prior to receiving a call to pastoral ministry, Jana had a variety of jobs, but had no sense of “career.” While serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Uganda (1996-1998), Jana drew closer to God through the people of faith she lived among and returned to the US with a stronger commitment to the Way of Christ. Jana states, “When I became a pastor, I finally felt like I was doing what God had equipped me for!”
Aside from pastoring, Jana’s other great joys include visiting her family in her home state of Michigan, visiting friends around the globe, bicycling and paddle boarding, hiking in the majesty of nature, and traveling the world – exploring cultures, cuisines, and spiritualities of other people and nations.
Jana’s faith statement:
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I strive – with God’s grace and the Spirit’s help – to cultivate our Creator’s beloved community by how I live. I am committed to the work of racial justice and passionate about helping all people come to know that God is on their side, encouraged by the promise of Jesus, “Remember, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Matthew 28:20
February 16, 2025
January 27, 2025
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May 12, 2024
March 25, 2024